SQL 2000 connectivity problem with Windows 7 x64
We have an application that connects via ADO to a MS SQL 2000 database. The application runs fine on XP x86, Vista x86 and x64. With Win 7 x64 we're seeing long delays in the application. When I run procmon on the workstation, I can see the application repeating four queries every five seconds. Its almost like it is timing out. If I end task on the application and relaunch it, it runs fine. If I log off and log back on the application continues to run fine. If I reboot the machine, log in and try to run the app, it is slow again. Ending task on the app causes it to run fine again. Pulling my hair out on this one. Any ideas?
April 7th, 2010 9:11pm

Hi, It appears this issue is related to the specific application. Since there are some differences between Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, I suspect this application may not support Windows 7 well; therefore, it is recommended that you contact the support for this application for help. For developing related issues or questions, you may also go to MSDN forum for help: MSDN Forums Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
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April 12th, 2010 1:44pm

Hi, It appears this issue is related to the specific application. Since there are some differences between Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, I suspect this application may not support Windows 7 well; therefore, it is recommended that you contact the support for this application for help. For developing related issues or questions, you may also go to MSDN forum for help: MSDN Forums Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT We opened a ticket with Microsoft. The issue was with TCP Chimney on the SQL server. http://blogs.msdn.com/psssql/archive/2010/02/21/tcp-offloading-again.aspx
April 12th, 2010 7:20pm

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