Scanstate.exe collects only Shared Items from Offline Win Directory
I've tried on several occasions now to use the offline feature of scanstate.exe to collect files and settings for user accounts on machines in which the OS will not boot. Each attempt yields a .mig file containing only the "Shared Items" transfer, omitting any and all user accounts on the offline machine. I have used two different approaches in executing the scanstate.exe offline command: 1) removing the HD of the non-bootable system & attaching it to my tech machine, and 2) booting the offending machine into WinPE and loading the USMT and supporting files onto its system drive. Command-line I'm using is: scanstate.exe [store] /offlinewindir:[drive:\windows] /all I have found no variation by substituting the /ui switch, specifying either user name or SID. I assume that I'm overlooking something rather obvious, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
May 17th, 2012 4:24pm

Please let me know if you encounter some errors. If there exist some error messages, please help capture a screen shot about that.Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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May 23rd, 2012 5:15am

OK. There are no error messages in the command prompt readout. Here is a copy of the log file: 2012-05-23 13:38:55, Info [0x000000] USMT Started at 2012/05/23:13:38:55.329 2012-05-23 13:38:55, Info [0x000000] Command line: scanstate.exe c:\users\chris\desktop /offlinewindir:e:\windows /all 2012-05-23 13:38:58, Info [0x000000] Starting the migration process[gle=0x000000cb] 2012-05-23 13:38:59, Info [0x000000] Offline engine startup from WinDir - e:\windows 2012-05-23 13:39:08, Warning [0x080462] CListSysFileFilter::BuildTree: could not create FileList object for C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\USMT\x86\SFLISTW7.DAT: Win32Exception: \\?\C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\USMT\x86\SFLISTW7.DAT: The system cannot find the file specified. [0x00000002] __thiscall UnBCL::FileStream::FileStream(const class UnBCL::String *,enum UnBCL::FileMode,enum UnBCL::FileAccess,enum UnBCL::FileShare,unsigned long) 2012-05-23 13:39:12, Info [0x000000] System information: Computer name: KENJOSEPH-PC Machine SID: S-1-5-21-1013735296-203565784-3811423577 OS version: 6.1.7601.Service Pack 1 Language: en-US Architecture: 32-bit Drives: C: Type: Fixed, Bus type: USB, Hotplug: Yes Users: KENJOSEPH-PC\Administrator, administrator: No, interactive: No, logged on: No, has profile: Yes KENJOSEPH-PC\QBDataServiceUser19, administrator: No, interactive: Yes, logged on: No, has profile: Yes KENJOSEPH-PC\Ken Joseph, administrator: Yes, interactive: Yes, logged on: No, has profile: Yes 2012-05-23 13:39:12, Info [0x000000] Processing the settings store 2012-05-23 13:39:12, Info [0x000000] Examining the system to discover the migration units [gle=0x000000b7] 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:48, Warning [0x08092b] CSIAgent: Duplicate manifest identity exists 2012-05-23 13:41:51, Warning [0x0803ea] Registry location HKCU\Software\Microsoft\TPG\HWRCustomization is considered invalid in the current context 2012-05-23 13:41:52, Info [0x000000] Selecting migration units 2012-05-23 13:41:52, Info [0x000000] Gathering data 2012-05-23 13:44:02, Warning [0x0801fb] Perf warning: embedding large data stream in catalog entry (1045732 bytes): HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify [PastIconsStream] 2012-05-23 13:44:02, Warning [0x0801fb] Perf warning: embedding large data stream in catalog entry (111467 bytes): HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage [ProgramsCache] 2012-05-23 13:44:02, Warning [0x0801fb] Perf warning: embedding large data stream in catalog entry (240565 bytes): HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage2 [ProgramsCache] 2012-05-23 13:48:40, Info [0x000000] Success.[gle=0x00000091] 2012-05-23 13:48:40, Info [0x000000] USMT Completed at 2012/05/23:13:48:40.226[gle=0x00000091]
May 23rd, 2012 3:52pm

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