Screensaver causes network to reject connections
I'm connecting to a XPpro sp3 box from another XPpro sp3 box and from a Mac Book Pro. All my SMB shares work, everything works like I expect ... except ... when the screen saves turns on on the first XPpro box neither of the other two computers can access the shared data. I can't even ping the box. I literally can ping from my mac book and get Request Timeout for icmp_seq 0, 1, 2, etc. and then I tap the mouse on the win box to stop the screen saver and my ping is returned. It's not hibernating or powersaving. The second the screen saver (any screen saver, the particular one doesn't seem to matter) turns on, no SMB, no ping, nada. My other XP box does not exhibit this behavior. The problematic computer is on WiFi, so I tried tuning off the power saving on the WiFi hardware, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I can't duplicate the problem on the 2nd XP box on either WiFi or wired, the SS doesn't affect the network at all. I'm sure that this is some kind of user error, I've looked everywhere I can think of for a setting or a switch that would explain this behavior but I'm at a loss.1 person needs an answerI do too
May 11th, 2010 12:03pm

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