Security for Sony Vaio Notebook
Hi all, I have had my Sony Vaio Notebook for a little over 6 months now and it is driving me crazy! I will apologise in advance if my "descriptions" are wrong as I am really not sure about these things - hence the post!! :) The laptop came with a free security and this has expired. Windows runs a scan from time to time and picks up visus' and trojans. I got a friend to install Avira and this is good for removing these problems but it does not seem to be stopping them in the first place. When the windows scan runs it wants me to buy a certain programme for like $89 and this I presume would sort all this. Can anyone tell me if I am better to pay up for it or to say get a free firewall? Would this be the same and protect me in full? Thanks in advance...... Gordon
May 12th, 2010 11:26am

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