Security issue or not ?
ok when i first tried to open my admin user folder from c:\users\adminuser from my standard account i was prompt for password and username but the second time that never happened even after pc i checked permissions and my standard user account had full control over thoses folders like my documents then i changed to only read\list\execute and noww if i want from the standard account create anything in those folders the prompt windows will show everytime which is the desired behavior IMO ..isnt that a security hole?any input is greatly appreciated!!!regards,RR
November 12th, 2009 8:16pm

When you create a new account you will be asked to change yoor password. If you use a blank password you will not promted for a password subsequently.
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November 12th, 2009 11:21pm

So by this u mean now that with the new changes i made i wont be able to change passwords anymore?btw i never had a account with blanked pw i mean i done indeed when i first created but then right after id create a password!!!so did i miss the point or u did?thanks for replying and will be expecting the reply back..Kind regards,RR
November 12th, 2009 11:31pm

You can create a password at any time. Open yourcontrol panel > user accounts and select the account to modify. Select "create password".
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November 13th, 2009 12:12am

Hi, This is by design. With User Account Control (UAC) enabled, the standard account cannot access other users profile folders without typing the administrator password for the first time. Once the standard account pass the password certificate, they will not ask for the password again. You may create a new standard account to test it. If you do not want the standard account access others profile folders, I would like to suggest you perform the following steps. Step 1: Disable UAC ========================= 1. Click the Start Button, type "User account control" (without quotation marks) into Search bar and press Enter. 2. When the User account control settings box appears, move the slider to Never notify. 3. Click OK. Step 2: Change the Security Permission ========================= 1. Right click on the user profile folder and click Properties. 2. Switch to Security tab and click Edit. 3. Highlight the standard account and click Remove. 4. Click OK. Whats the result?Arthur Li - MSFT
November 13th, 2009 9:57am

That's been normal behavior since Windows Vista. I've learned that if you don't want a user to access another's files, don't ever give them permission.
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November 13th, 2009 10:52am

Hi Jeh_it thanks for the input and yeah defenetly!Arthur_Li thanks and appreciate for the response and i do want to perform what u mentioned above like removing the standard user permissions in order to make it prompt at every atempt to list folders even though it is a trusted user cuz thats how i want to be ,sometimes u know allowing a trusted user doing whatever he wants may become a security issue if someone passes by as trusted user by accident!Thanks again and will apply those changes!Kind Regards,RR
November 13th, 2009 5:52pm

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