Security of Windows
Hello, I am doing a research on the security of Windows 7 in comparison to xp and vista. So if any one has any comments on whether 7 is more secure or less secure then previous versions. Additonally, some new security features that you like/dislike. Additonally, reasons supporting the comment would be helpful. For instance, an article that backs up your comment. Will be greatly appreciated. Basically, I just want information on the security of windows 7 in your opinion at the very least.
September 21st, 2010 1:16pm

Windows 7 is more secure than Vista and XP. Vista made big strides in security compared with XP in introducing UAC, Bitlocker, true session id isolation, improved DEP with x64 systems, etc.
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September 21st, 2010 1:37pm

• In Windows XP, Microsoft vulnerabilities account for 55.3 percent of all attacks in the studied sample. (comparing targets of browser-based exploits) • In Windows Vista and Windows 7, the proportion of Microsoft vulnerabilities is significantly smaller, accounting for just 24.6 percent of attacks in the studied sample. (comparing targets of browser-based exploits)
September 22nd, 2010 5:14am

Thanks for the reply, Where are you getting these statistics from? So I can check it out.
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October 19th, 2010 1:43pm

cschaar , thank your comment and articles are very helpful.
October 19th, 2010 1:45pm

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