Send Welcome Email After account exists in AD with initial password

We have FIM setup to create new users based on a workflow In the workflow I add them to the outbound sync rule, then send a welcome email, in this workflow there are several steps, one is randomly generating an initial password, what I'm trying to figure out is how to send the welcome email after the delta sync runs that verifies the user was created in AD.

I thought about using the Poor Man's version of a connector detection mechanism however how to get the inital password from the workflow above into the workflow that would run after the connector detection mechanism detected the object coming in from AD?



January 22nd, 2014 12:46pm

You can save intial password as an user attribute and send notification when account will be created (for example when you synchronize back ObjectSID).

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January 22nd, 2014 12:57pm

You can save intial password as an user attribute and send notification when account will be created (for example when you synchronize back Objec

January 22nd, 2014 1:05pm

The other option could be to set a random password on the AD account when it is created but then have another workflow that runs in the Portal when the objectSid is set for the first time. This workflow could reset the user's password in AD to another random value and send the email notification with that newly generated password - this way the password is known and but it isn't stored anywhere.


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January 22nd, 2014 4:47pm

The other option could be to set a random password on the AD account when it is created but then have another workflow that runs in the Portal when the objectSid is set for the first time. This workflow could reset the user's password in AD to another random value and send the email notification with that newly generated password - this way the password is known and but it isn't stored anywhere.


Andrew & Borys thank you both for the replies.

Andrew I like that option more I'm guessing a a set transition MPR from null/blank (not sure what the initial value is in the portal) to not null / not blank.

One issue is I don't think ObjectSID is available to use as a filter in the portal.

I'll check this using a custom attribute.

January 22nd, 2014 5:22pm

Hi Jon,

I use objectSid all the time to trigger things so it should be usable in sets, but if it isn't you can just add it to the Admin filter, and then you'll be able use it.

I don't have access to a FIM environment at the moment - but from memory the Admin filter is in the Portal under Administration -> Filter permissions -> Admin filter.


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January 22nd, 2014 9:02pm

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