Sending Notification to FIM ADMIN when the new user has been created in FIM

My scenario is that when the new user is created in the Forefront Identity Manager then the administrator should get the alert in his mail box that the new user has been created.

Please guide me with the proper steps.

Your response will be higly appreciated


Aman Khanna

February 20th, 2014 2:51am

1) Create a workfow (type action) with a mail notification activity

2) Create an MPR

Type : request

Requestors : Administrators or Synchronization Account (depends on your requirements, if you need both create two MPRs)

Operation : Create Resource

Target : All People

Resource Attribute : All Attributes

Workflow Action : workflow to send email (Step 1)

This should do the work from memory. 

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February 20th, 2014 4:03am

  1. Create an email template
  2. Crete an action workflow that contains notification activity
    1. Choose FIM Admin as recipient
    2. Choose your recently created email template
  1. Create a request MPR
    1. Specific Set of requestors: All objects
    2. Operation: Create resource
    1. Target Resource Definition After Request: All People
    1. Policy Workflows: Choose your recently created Workflow
February 20th, 2014 4:08am

  1. Create an email template
  2. Crete an action workflow that contains notification activity
    1. Choose FIM Admin as recipient
    2. Choose your recently created email template
  1. Create a request MPR
    1. Specific Set of requestors: All objects
    2. Operation: Create resource
    1. Target Resource Definition After Request: All People
    1. Policy Workflows: Choose your recently created Workflow
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 20th, 2014 12:03pm

  1. Create an email template
  2. Crete an action workflow that contains notification activity
    1. Choose FIM Admin as recipient
    2. Choose your recently created email template
  1. Create a request MPR
    1. Specific Set of requestors: All objects
    2. Operation: Create resource
    1. Target Resource Definition After Request: All People
    1. Policy Workflows: Choose your recently created Workflow
February 20th, 2014 12:03pm

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