Set listener port range for Remote Assistance?
Suppose an administrator offers Remote Assitance to a client: Admin ---(arbitrary port to TCP 135)--->> User Admin <<-(TPC 135 to arbitrary port)----- User The response will contain the port on which msra.exe will listen on the user's computer, like any other DCOM/RPC service, and the conversation will continue, e.g., Admin ---(arbitrary port to msra.exe on TCP 49523)--->> User However, if the user's computer is configured so that RPC endpoints are limited to a certain range of ports (say, TCP 30000-30200), the startup of msra.exe will completely ignore this range and select a port from the more general range of ephemeral ports, which, by default, is 49152 to 65535. This is very frustrating. We'd like to very narrowly restrict the range of ports on which msra.exe can listen, but there doesn't appear to be any way to do that. The ephemeral port range needs to be pretty big. The range of possible listening ports for msra.exe should be very small--ideally, 1. Is there a way to set the port range for Remote Assistance? Is there at least a way to force it to choose ports out of the defined RPC port pool? Please enlighten me if I'm misunderstanding the situation. Thanks for any help. ..Jeff
June 14th, 2011 4:06pm

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