Set windows 8.1 Logon/Lock Screen to English


I have an issue with Windows 8.1 64bit Enterprise. I have 2 languages installed on my computers, English and Hebrew.

I set the default input language to English and copied the settings over to the welcome screen using Region (and I also tried the trick of going through the language bar) and yet when I lock my computer, the language is set to whatever I had on last, so if I had Hebrew set at that moment it will go to Hebrew at the lock screen and I will have to change languages.

Is there a way to set a fixed language for the logon screen and lock screen? My users keep locking their accounts for this.



  • Edited by MercuryZ Sunday, July 05, 2015 10:50 AM
July 5th, 2015 9:48am

Hi MercuryZ,

The issue is that it will not be available to input the password correctly due to the keyboard, right?
How many languages package you have installed in this machine?

If we have English language package installed, we could choose the English language during the inputting password screen. We also could add an US input method for the Hebrew language if it is possible(Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Language\Options of the Hebrew\Add an input method).

Best regards

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July 8th, 2015 5:12am

The issue is that it doesn't default to English at the lock screen. When a user locks his computer the language stays on whatever he used last. He then tries to input the password and gets it wrong since it's not English.

Now of course it's possible to change the language to English be it through alt-shift or clicking the language bar, but users simply do not notice the language is not English and input the password again and again until the user gets locked.

In Windows 7 for instance, the lock screen automatically defaulted to English which fixed all this. I want to do the same with Win 8.1.

July 8th, 2015 5:41am

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