Setting permissions sys folder

Applying permissions to a system folder like Recovery. Recovery folder has 4 folders and 2 files.

Problem 1, I set permissions to recovery folder. I receive an error. Permission denied to all folders that have no permission applied in the recovery folder.>

{>Error occurred while applying security information to:(Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access Denied).<}

This error is displayed to every folder and file in the recovery folder. Ive tried different permission like,> This folder only<, and I still receive this error when applying permissions.

The permission is set for the admin group user to gain access to Recovery folder and that is it. WHY IS THE PERMISSION NOT SET TO EVERY FOLDER AND FILE IN A OBJECT/CONTAINER, WHEN THE OWNER GIVES PERMISSIONS TO AN ADMIN GROUP USER?

I have to manually go to every folder and file in the recovery folder and grant permission for that admin group user, does not matter what object I chose>THIS FOLDER,SUBFOLDRS AND FILES

2 problem! When I go to remove a user permissions I get, >An error occurred while applying security information to {THE DIRECTORY FOLDERS AND FILES}, >Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied<. The admin group user is not removed from any other folder or file in the recovery folder other than the folder I just removed permissions from.

This error is not logged anywhere.

The picture above it showing a user has permission. Permission are not set for all folder and files in the recovery container.

Edit: When I applied the permission to the 2nd folder for the admin group user, I did not receive the error with folders that had the user permission set already, only withe folders that had no permissions set. So choosing the OPTION, ALL FILES AND FOLDERS IN THIS OBJECT/CONTAINER IS NOT WORKING AS IT APPEARS TO BE.

  • Edited by colakid 21 hours 53 minutes ago
January 24th, 2014 8:31am

I figured it out thanks for those that at least looked. I created an administrator account way back. I login as administrator. let administrator take ownership. Restarted. login with my Microsoft account and tried again. I now have the ability to grant permission to all objects and its containers, when applying permission from the root folder, . There is one exception to this, the user must be in the administrator group. The error does not apply now

Can an admin mark this solved

  • Edited by colakid 19 hours 54 minutes ago
  • Marked as answer by colakid 19 hours 54 minutes ago
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January 24th, 2014 10:56am

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