Severe network issues: localhost / ping broken, internet works
Hi, I recently created a new PC with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. At the beginning my internet connection was very flakey (while perfectly fine before on XP). With flakey I mean that sometimes it worked perfectly, other times it was very slow and sometimes even stopped working altogether. After searching around for hours I discovered that disabling Windows Security Essentials realtime monitoring fixed things for me. However, now I've discovered that WSE was not really the real issue. It simply made sure I could browse the internet again. While surfing the internet works fine all the time now, my network is still very unstable. What I've discovered so far: at times "ping" no longer works. Neither to localhost or external addresses. At the same time can can still perfectly browse the internet. Both pinging localhost on ivp4 and ivp6 is broken. nslookup and http requests keep working fine it does not get broken instantly, but degrades over a short period of time meaning that initially pings to localhost are <1ms, then go to >100ms, >2000ms and eventually time out. after a while everything starts working automagically again local services like ana apache server, jetty server, ... do no longer connect anymore as well when debugging "ping" with wireshark, I see the outgoing "echo" packet immediately followed by an "echo reply". However I never receive it in the command prompt (there I get timed out after a very long time) when debugging "ping" with CommView, I see three packets going over the wire: "echo", immediately followed by an "echo reply", followed after a few seconds by a "destination/protocol unreachable" (is a reply to the "echo reply" packet) What I've tried so far (that didn't solve a thing) disabled any service not needed to keep the pc running (including base filter/ip helper/firewall/ipsec) Computer browser always fails to stop for some reason installed another NIC (clearly unrelated since local stack seems the issue, but had to try it anyhow) reset anything that can be reset with netsh (ipv4 stack, ipv6 stack, winsock, ...) disable ivp6 disable firewall (using builtin windows firewall) As far as I can tell, all this points to a sever issue with the "Loopback Software Interface" or kernel in general. Maybe some buffer that is running full? Any help would be really appreciated, because I'm kinda stuck right now ;-) Tx, Folke
December 3rd, 2009 10:45pm

Does anyone else have this issue or am i the only one?
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December 5th, 2009 11:21am

Hi Folke, Based on my research, I would like to suggest the following: 1. Boot the system to Safe Mode with networking and see how it works. 2. Run the following command in an elevated command prompt to disable Windows Firewall and check the issue: Netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off Note: you can turn back on with the command Netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on. If the issue persists, please also capture a netmon trace for our further research: 1. Download the Microsoft Network Monitor 3.3. 2. Install network monitor on the computer and start to capture. 3. Reproduce the issue; you may ping localhost, some other computers or websites. 4. After the issue occurs (pinging failes), stop capturing and save the netmon trace file to check the related network activations. You can uplode the file to us with the following steps: 1. Visit the following webpage: 2. Password is )V5xvA_iEArdKq (without quotations). 3. Then, upload the files. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
December 10th, 2009 1:03pm

Hi Nicholas, I've actually discovered the issue causing all this seemingly weird behaviour of the network. When I debugged the ping command with visual studio, I got an error about the command being deadlocked. After that I enabled driver debugging and discovered that the driver that was installed part of VirtualCloneDrive was causing the kernel deadlocks. Uninstalled the program and had not a single issue ever since! Tx, Folke
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 14th, 2009 2:30pm

Hi Folke, Thank you for your update. I am glad to know that the issue has been resolved. I really appreciate your time and efforts on this issue. In the future, if you experience any issues regarding our products or if you have any feedback, you are welcome to post a new thread in our forum. It is always our pleasure to be of assistance. Thanks! Have a nice day!Nicholas Li - MSFT
December 15th, 2009 5:39am

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