Shortcut Icons were changing to globe
The odd web site desktop short cut icon changes to a globe and no longer function. I have search the forums but not really found the answer more I have noticed #1 I can add the same shortcut numerous times; some will stay OK and others will change #2 the icons arrange themselves alphabetically as they are added #3 the properties of the globe icons change A--the web document is removed B--the details show no info I have not had this problem with any other shortcuts except Web URL
May 19th, 2011 6:52pm

You mean web pages saved icons ? IF yes then this happens because the web site icons are stored with your web surfing history in the IE History folders. If you have set IE to delete your history on exit or only maintain a few days history the icons on the desktop will be deleted when the history that contains the icon is deleted. You can stop this from happening by right clicking on the desktop shortcut and choosing Properties, then on the Advanced tab, 'Change Icon" and select an icon from your hard disk and not from your Internet History cache. OR Right click on the offending icon (blue and green globe, etc.) When the window opens left click on "Properties" Left click on "Change Icon" At the top right hand corner of the window left click on "Browse" Scroll down until you see "url.dll" Left double-click on "url.dll," then... Left click "Apply" then left click "Okay" OR If you want to maintain the custom icons for a longer period of time, you can increase the disk space alloted for the cache. In Internet Explorer go to Tools/Internet Options. In the Browsing History section, select the Settings button. You can change the disk space there. If you want to maintain custom icons permanently for some shortcuts, you can open Windows Explorer, Copy/Paste the following path in the Address bar (Change username to your account name) C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE (AppData is a hidden folder. You can go to Organize/Folder and Search Options/View Tab and select to show Hidden Folders and Files). In the Content.IE folder and the alphanumeric named sub-folders, locate the custom icon you want to save. Right click the file and select Copy. Create a new folder somewhere in your user folders and paste the file in that folder. You can then rename the custom icon with an intuitive name. Go to the shortcut on the Desktop, right click the shortcut and select Properties/Change Icon button. Click Browse and navigate to the folder where you saved the custom icon and select it. Click Open and OK your way out of that dialog. Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”
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May 19th, 2011 7:06pm

I created the shortcut in order to return to the web page easily the same way I have for years and saved it to my desk top. I have short cuts from years ago that still function and still have the same icon as before. I do not have a problem of maintaining the custom icons What the thing looks like really is not important. So changing the way it looks will not solve the problem. The problem that I would like to fix is to keep the short cuts functioning I can change the way it looks by placing any WEB URL into the detail section of the properties and it will take me to that site and after the icon will look like the last site visited. It will them become a non functioning short cut again without any web document section Thank YOU sorry if I am a bit hard to understand
May 19th, 2011 7:38pm

You mean web pages saved icons ? IF yes then this happens because the web site icons are stored with your web surfing history in the IE History folders. If you have set IE to delete your history on exit or only maintain a few days history the icons on the desktop will be deleted when the history that contains the icon is deleted. You can stop this from happening by right clicking on the desktop shortcut and choosing Properties, then on the Advanced tab, 'Change Icon" and select an icon from your hard disk and not from your Internet History cache. OR Right click on the offending icon (blue and green globe, etc.) When the window opens left click on "Properties" Left click on "Change Icon" At the top right hand corner of the window left click on "Browse" Scroll down until you see "url.dll" Left double-click on "url.dll," then... Left click "Apply" then left click "Okay" OR If you want to maintain the custom icons for a longer period of time, you can increase the disk space alloted for the cache. In Internet Explorer go to Tools/Internet Options. In the Browsing History section, select the Settings button. You can change the disk space there. If you want to maintain custom icons permanently for some shortcuts, you can open Windows Explorer, Copy/Paste the following path in the Address bar (Change username to your account name) C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE (AppData is a hidden folder. You can go to Organize/Folder and Search Options/View Tab and select to show Hidden Folders and Files). In the Content.IE folder and the alphanumeric named sub-folders, locate the custom icon you want to save. Right click the file and select Copy. Create a new folder somewhere in your user folders and paste the file in that folder. You can then rename the custom icon with an intuitive name. Go to the shortcut on the Desktop, right click the shortcut and select Properties/Change Icon button. Click Browse and navigate to the folder where you saved the custom icon and select it. Click Open and OK your way out of that dialog. Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”
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May 20th, 2011 12:18am

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