Simultaneous HDMI and speaker playback


While you may think this is the USUAL problem, it is not. I know how to enable Stereo Mix, and it is enabled. I know how to set Stereo Mix as a recording device, and to have the "Listen" tab show the HDMI.

I know all of this, because this is the setup that worked perfectly until I turned on my computer today.

Suddenly, I have visible output on the Stereo Mix channel, and "testing" the HDMI yields sound, but there is no functioning bridge between the two. I can NOT, under any setting, get the Stereo Mix to output to the HDMI despite this workaround working for the last several months.

I don't know what to do and I've run out of patience reading outdated solutions. I'm on Windows 8.1 using Realtek drivers.

February 7th, 2015 4:34pm

on Windows 8.1 using Realtek drivers.

Others claim that Microsoft keeps changing their drivers from the manufacturer's latest to the latest "approved" ones and that that can affect functionality in various ways.  Perhaps this would be an example?


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February 8th, 2015 2:08pm

That certainly seems possible. Is there a good/easy way to roll back drivers?
February 9th, 2015 10:29pm

Hi Matt,

You may roll back the related driver through Device Manager:

1. Open Device Manager by Win +X, then select Device Manager;

2. Double-click the category containing your device driver, and then double-click the name of the device that you want to restore to a previous driver version.

3. Click the Driver tab, and then click Roll Back Driver.

If you are logged on as a standard user, the button will be dimmed, which means it's unavailable. You must be logged on as an administrator to roll back a driver.

Note: If there's no previous version of the driver installed for the selected device, the Roll Back Driver button will be unavailable even if you are logged on as an administrator.

Reference: Restore a driver to its previous version

Best regards

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February 10th, 2015 3:08am

It all works now! Thank you so much!!
February 15th, 2015 7:55pm

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