Slow opening Open/Save Dialog Box in Office 2013/Windows 8.1


I have a problem with opening Office 2013 open/save dialog box on Windows 8.1. When I open this dialog in Word or Excel, the application freezes for 30-90 seconds. I think that the problem are currently unavailable network drives, but I need it for work in branch offices.

And the question is, how can I disable check availability of network drives or reduce time of lookup.

Thank you.

  • Edited by ioneyaqoo Wednesday, January 28, 2015 11:25 AM
January 28th, 2015 11:24am


I've been noticing the same problem for weeks in different programs, mostly when downloading with Chrome though. Often, not always, the open/save dialog takes around 30-60s to actually show folders. I have 2 mapped network drives, of which I can usually only connect to one at a time (different networks). So usually one cannot be reached by the system and I think that creates the problem.

Is there any work around? Maybe a timeout can be reduced for the case of an unaccessable network drive?

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.

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