Small Lock Icon Makes Opening File Outside of Application Impossible
When I was creating a map for a game, using 3ds Max (v. 7-11) on Windows 7, I noticed that the folder i created in the program and the saved/ exported files had a little lock on its icon. At first, I thought this was nothing. When I finished constructing the map and exported it correctly using other tools, it didn't appear in the folder it was saved to. After I exported it 5 more times, it didn't appear, and the game couldn't see it. What I did notice was that when i went into the directory (not using any application) and looked for the folder and the files, they were not there! I checked for the files in different applications (including 3ds Max) using open or save in the options, and the files did appear, but they still had the lock on it. FOr the past month, I've been trying to find solutions on other poeple's questions, but when somebody said they had the same problem as i do, people just ignored them. PLEASE HELP! Just so you know, I've tried adding Users into the people that can view the files, but when I press OK or Appy, an error message appears that the file does not exist. Thank You.
November 16th, 2010 7:52pm

Hi, Thanks for the post! How about using other programs to making the pictures? Based on my experience, this issue is related to 3ds Max, please contact 3ds Max support for further research. The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other communities who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation! Best Regards, Miya YaoThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 18th, 2010 3:56am

Hi, Please post the PATH of the directory where you expect to see the files saved. I imagine you have discovered the File Virtualization feature that protects system folders from being overwritten by Low Privilege applications. "File and registry virtualization helps users who have restricted access to the registry and to the file system write to these protected areas. Virtualization creates a "per user" copy and then redirects successive data operations. For example, assume that an application is running under a Limited User Account or under accounts that require User Account Control permissions. When this application writes to a system location, such as to the %programfiles% folder, Windows Vista and Windows 7 redirect write operations and read operations to a user-specific location in the user’s profile folder (%localappdata%\VirtualStore). By default, this location is C:\Users\<var>User_name</var>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\<var>Application_name</var>." Thanks, John
November 18th, 2010 11:32am

John, Thank you for the response. Sorry I couldn't respond for so long- I have been very busy. Even though I am not a big computer expert, I think you are onto something. The file (saved as a .map) could not be seen by the application it was suppossed to be open with. Only certain applications could see it when I was looking for the file in File/Open or /Save. The game I was hoping to make a map for was Halo Custom Edition, a slightly childish but fun video game available only for the PC. The path to which the file was saved to (but could not be opened or looked at) is basically this (I can't be overly specific- sorry)- My Computer/Local Drive C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Halo Custom Edition/maps. I know the map is there, but it cannot be opened, due to the problem that the system says that the file does not exist. I will also try to address Miya Yao in this response. Firstly, I am making a 3-D model of a map to play in using Halo CE. Pictures are not made- a 3D file is. I haven't done this in a while, so I can't say the specific name of it. Anyway, the process of making the map worked on Windows XP Professional- but my computer did something weird and would not let me install the other game that was needed for this. The two games installed fine on the Wind. 7, but this problem occured, leaving me irratated for my month's work on actually making a test map. So im pretty sure this is not a 3ds Max problem, is it worked before on the other system. I don't know if this helps, but here it is- I have Windows 7 Ultimate. Thanks for all the responses. I actually thought no one would take the time to answer a guy like me. Thanks, once again, Kosinkadink
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January 23rd, 2011 3:49pm

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