Some impressions
The last windows I had used regularly before this was XP Pro, in a VM, on Linux. That having been said, I can give Windows 7 the highest praise I have given any version of Windows: I wouldn't immediately format the hard drive if it came on a new computer.I ran it in a VM for awhile (VitrualBox), but figured, What the hell! Pulled an old 120G drive I had laying around and give it a go. It didn't like my machine. AMD X2 4800+ 2G of RAM, Nvidia Geforce 7300 GT (SLI). It refused to install on the hard drive. Following some advice on the interwebs, I formatted the disk with an XP install disk. Then it stopped working in my DVD Drive (Memorex DVD+R DL) I had an 8Gig USB Drive, so...That wasn't very much fun either. Needed to launch the Vista VM to format the disk with Vista's diskpart tool then use the Windows7 bootsect utility.Finally got it installed. I tried all the vistas from the Beta through the Release candidate and the Release version. Tis beta is better than all of them. The calculator is finally useful, powershell ISE ahsn't made me vomit, etc. Now all windows needs is EXT2/3/4 filesystem support so I gan use the half terabyte of stuff I have accumulated, but can't access without a third party filesystem driver. In all not a bad effortNow my questions.Why can't the command line work better? tab completion is still a touch retarded. Bash is MUCH better. I suppose Windows folks don't use the command line though..Why can't I change the permission of keys in HKLM/System/Current Control Set/Enum/USB?Why did the Windows stock display driver insist that it couldn't fit on my screen in my LCD's native resolution of1280x1024?What's so awesome about the "Awesome Bar" OSX's dock is more functional. Every Linux desktop manager is infinitely more customizable. Filesysyem Linkages seem better but are still a bit hairy, and frankly, scary compared to their *nix predecessors. But I vow to only boot back into Linux on my laptop and run the desktop with 7 full time until commercial release and help out as much as I can to make Windows less irritating when I have to support it for my family members (thakfully my wife has a Mac) :)
January 27th, 2009 7:22am

Hi coryj Thanks for posting. If you would like to have your feedback read by the Windows 7 product team, we have a feedback mechanism in place here to accomplish this. Go to the following thread. Have Comments about Windows 7 Beta? The feedback posted to that thread is periodically collected by the Forum Owner and sent directly to the Windows 7 Product Team, where it will do the most good. Go to that thread and simply click Reply in the first message to post your feedback. Hope this helps. Ronnie Vernon MVP
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January 27th, 2009 9:08am

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