Special privileges assigned to new logon?
I was looking for something else in my event log and found this disturbing entry. Why would SYSTEM be considered a new logon with "special privileges?" Actually, I found several baffling entries that seem never to have occured before. There's one that seems to say that I have initiated a logoff, so no one else can do anything. Here's the full text of one that is particularly puzzling. There seem to be 2 or 3 or 4 of them at a time. As if there are several people using my machine at the same time? Please do enlighten me... Special privileges assigned to new logon. Subject: Security ID: SYSTEM Account Name: SYSTEM Account Domain: NT AUTHORITY Logon ID: 0x3e7 Privileges: SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeTcbPrivilege SeSecurityPrivilege SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege SeLoadDriverPrivilege SeBackupPrivilege SeRestorePrivilege SeDebugPrivilege SeAuditPrivilege SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege SeImpersonatePrivilege
February 9th, 2012 12:19pm

Hi, You have no need to worry about this. Maybe some services that need to use System account to perform particular tasks. It is normal.Juke Chou TechNet Community Support
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February 9th, 2012 12:46pm

Hi, You have no need to worry about this. Maybe some services that need to use System account to perform particular tasks. It is normal.Juke Chou TechNet Community Support
February 10th, 2012 4:42am

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