Spoolsv.exe Memory Leak on XP
The spoolsv.exe process is 95-100 on the CPU. My PC is too slow, and I have to stop the process, but 3-5 minutes later, it starts again. How can I fix this problem?1 person needs an answerI do too
March 25th, 2010 2:31am

Have you tried updating printer drivers for the printers you have installed? Or uninstalling / reinstalling the printers?
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March 25th, 2010 2:46am

I uninstalled the printers, but the problem still.
March 25th, 2010 4:42pm

So even with no printers installed, the spoolsv.exe process continues to consume an increasing amount of memory? How are you measuring memory consumption?
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March 25th, 2010 8:01pm

From the task Manager, the processes tab, the cpu percentage. The print spooler goes between 92-100 % all time. And, in the Perfomance tab, the CPU usage is always 100%
March 26th, 2010 1:29am

And how are you measuring memory consumption (since you mentioned memory leak)? To get more details about the CPU consumption, use Process Explorer. First, download and install version of the Debugging Tools for Windows (DTW). Then extract the contents of ProcessExplorer.ZIP and run procexp.exe. Then configure symbols - go to Options->Configure symbols and in the Dbghelp.dll path, navigate to dbghelp.dll that was installed by the DTW - usually, C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\dbghelp.dll. Do NOT use the dbghelp.dll in c:\windows\system32. For the Symbols path, enter: srv*C:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Then, when the problem with spoolsv.exe is happening, double-click the process in Process Explorer. On the Threads tab that comes up, sort the CSwitch Delta column in descending order. What is the stack of the thread that is at the top (double-click on the thread to bring its stack dialog up)? Copy all stack frames and paste them here.
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March 26th, 2010 2:19pm

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