Start Screen Tile Positioning


In short, is there a way to control where I place tiles on the start screen?  Like maybe a link that explains the apparent random nature of the tile placement "feature".  Is there a registry hack that turns that off, or sets the space or in other ways controls that?

In long, I'm a consultant/developer with several clients using many different technologies.  So, I have a LOT of stuff installed.  I'd like to place 40 or so of my favorite apps on the start screen, but this auto snap "feature" makes it hard to organize things so I'm not hunting all over the place.

So, I'd like to place them all around my start screen, grouped by their common use.  The name groups feature would be awesome, if I could put names somewhere other than the top of the start screen.



April 9th, 2015 3:37pm


I already knew that and am using that.  But I have probably 10 different groups with 4 or 5 icons.  Is there a way to create a group UNDER an existing group?  Or create a blank space in a column of tiles?  Anything to break up the 50 or so tiles on my start screen.

That's the kind of stuff I'm looking for. 

April 9th, 2015 8:35pm

I doubt it can not be -It is by design.
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April 9th, 2015 8:56pm


So, if any of the Microsoft UI Engineers are listening.....

Get an Android anything, long press an app icon, drag it anywhere you want, and let go.  Hey! It stays right where you left it! That's pretty cool.


Get an Apple product (iPad, iPhone), long press an app icon, drag it anywhere you want, and let go.  Hey! It stays right where you left it!  That's pretty cool.

Now, if you're wondering why this behaves that way, it's because the user wants to organize their devices to the way they use them.  I can put all my map type apps in one corner and my game apps in another.  What a novel idea!

The user doesn't want to be TOLD how to organize their devices.

April 9th, 2015 9:27pm

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your advice, I will record your suggestion so it will be accessible in Microsoft internal.

Meanwhile we have improved start screen in Windows 10, start menu is back. Since it is still preview edition for now, I am supposing it will provide more friend user interface when it is officially released.


D. Wu

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April 14th, 2015 9:42pm

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