Static route - not in hosts, not in ROUTE PRINT, not in DNS...
I have a really strange problem with a laptop running Vista Business. I need to use RD to access a client's workstation from the (same client's) laptop, but I can't seem to resolve the netBIOS name of the workstation. Anyway that's just background - during my investigations I found I *can* RD to the server at the place in question, once I've connected the VPN. What is strange is that *EVEN WITH THE NETWORK CABLE UNPLUGGED AND NO VPN DIALLED* I can resolve the IP of the server and *TRY* to ping it. This laptop is not on a domain, it's just sitting in MY office, where I can guarantee there is no machine called 'winserver'. With the network cable plugged in *AND NO VPN DIALLED* I can still resolve the remote IP *AND I CAN PING IT* ! :-D. We're talking about a 192.168.0.xx type address here! Can anyone please tell me where I can find this setting/layer/helper and murder it and its family? Next on my hitlist will be the bright spark who thought we'd all like to spend five minutes jumping between hyperlinks and elevating permissions just to see the status of our network cards... Done enough of that today... ;-)Aaron Oxford - Innovative Computer Solutions - VioLet Composer (
May 25th, 2009 7:55am

Answering my own post, but what happened is that winserver had an entry in lmhosts (local machine hosts?) set to Disable UAC if you have to remove an entry from here or it will simply refuse access. ...and my ISP appears to stupidly use BOTH the IP ranges 10.0.1.X and 192.168.0.X for their internal network!Aaron Oxford - Innovative Computer Solutions - VioLet Composer (
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May 26th, 2009 5:54am

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