Stop users from saving data to local hard drive?
Without using folder redirection of any kind, is there a way to prevent users from saving pictures and music stuff to their profile areas? Thanks.
March 10th, 2010 7:59pm

Hi, you can only disable user acces to this folders...
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March 10th, 2010 10:41pm

Hi,There's no easy way to do this. It sounds like you are trying to keep people from saving data to the hard drive and possibly overcrowding it. The best way to discourage this is to allow users to create new files only in a given folder, which is wiped periodically or at logon. Another way to do this is with disk quotas, which will prevent users from saving more than a given amount to the drive. If you have their profile's stored to another location other than "C", then you could do this via permissions. Go to the root of "C" in Explorer as Administrator, and right-click on C drive and go to the Security tab. Then just go to the entry "users" from the list and modify it's rights just to include read and execute and clear the other checkboxes. However, removing the ability for users to write to anywhere on "C" drive can also stop some programs stored in the "Program Files" folder on "C" from not storing settings correctly. This doesn't happen very often as most program's settings are either stored in the SYSTEM managed registry or in a file stored within the users own profile (usually "App.. Data" or "Local Settings\App.. Data"). If you haven't got their entire profile stored on another drive then I wouldn't recommend doing that as users really must have Read and Write access to their own profile folder stored in "C:\Documents and Settings\someuser". In that case you could still grant only read/execute rights access to the entire drive but then you must remember to re-grant full access to their own profile folder again.
March 11th, 2010 11:37am

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