Strange Problem regarding IE and Windows Update
I have got a strange problem with IE 9 and Windows Update (Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit SP1). I cannot open any https-site. Everytime I want to open a https-site "the page cannot be displayed". With firefox it works fine. In internet explorer it says that the cipher strength is 0-Bit. I think this is the cause of the problem. The other problem is, that I cannot run Windows Update for a while. Last time was on 23 Feb. When I search for updates now, it says error code 80072F8F. When I search the internet for this error code I find a lot of solutions saying the computer time / bios time is not correct. But it is. Date and time are ok on my computer. I already tried to reset the internet explorer, checked my system for viruses and tried everything described in KB813444. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ahead...
April 27th, 2011 4:53pm

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