Strange combination of problems in Windows 7 RC Build 7100
I'm getting the idea the following problems may be linked, as they seem to occur simultaneously, but I cannot see the link... I'm using a fresh install, after burning the distribution ISO to a DVD-RW. On startup, everything works as it should. However, after some time (say half an hour) several things go wrong at the same time. The first indicator I get is a graphics driver crash: momentary blackscreen followed by the message "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered". I'm using a Winfast Nvidia 8600 GTS, using the latest nvidia windows 7 drivers. This error recurs sporadically while the following takes place. It seems that after this point, my wireless adapter simply ceases to function, claiming that no wireless networks exist. They do, and with strong signal, according to the netbook (Acer Aspire One running Ubuntu) I'm writing this on. No amount of "troubleshooting" will fix this problem; only a full reboot. I'm using a TP-Link WN-620G USB wireless dongle. Everything goes downhill from here - the system slows up more and more. Transferring files gradually slows to a crawl, as do any installation processes. Eventually, the system freezez, leaving nothing in the events log for me to go on. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions or help at this point.
July 7th, 2009 11:34am

When you say "latest Win 7 video drivers"...are you using the automated Graphics Driver test on the nVidia site to check what you should be using? I had many nVidia issues at first, and tried drivers suggested by Windows Update, posts on forums etc... until running the the nVidia 'on-line check' - problems solved. Otherwise, hardware fault...?
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July 7th, 2009 11:51am

Have you checked the Event Log for further details on any error messages that are being generated?
July 9th, 2009 1:16am

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