Sync rule validation parsing error (ADLDS Sync Rule, Outbound System Scoping Filter)


I am trying to export users to ADLDS, using an Outbound System Scoping Filter Sync Rule.

Data successfully imports from AD & exports to FIM Portal. Now I would like to export this data to an ADLDS instance.

ADLDS MA, ADSIEDIT and LDP connects just fine to the ADLDS instance.

However, when I 'Full Sync' on the FIM MA, I get the "Sync rule validation parsing error". The Outbound scoping is as follows: Domain = ADATUM (which all users have populated in MV and Portal).

ADLDS and the Sync Rule config is as follows:

Thank you,


  • Edited by Shim Kwan Monday, March 23, 2015 1:36 AM
March 23rd, 2015 1:23am

I have just deleted and recreated the Sync Rule as follows:

1. gave Sync Rule a name

2. clicked 'outbound' for data flow direction

3. mapped Person object to ADLDS User object

4. selected "outbound system scoping filter"

5. no other settings or flows were configured

FIM MA Full Import & Full Sync generates exactly the same error...

Then, I deleted the above rule and recreated everything as above, except I selected Outbound Sync Policy (that uses MPRs, Sets, Workflows)...and there was no error on FIM MA Full Import & Full Sync.

Does this mean we cannot have a "outbound system scoping filter" Sync Rule with an ADLDS MA?



  • Edited by Shim Kwan Monday, March 23, 2015 1:34 AM
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March 23rd, 2015 1:30am


checked this in my Lab environment, and it works like charm.

Also used "domain" as the outbound scope filter.

Setting DN (inital), employeeID, sn and givenName

My Lab is running with the latest hotfix (4.1.3627.0) but I cant find a hint on that issue on any of the relase notes.

Btw. you dont have to set "cn" as this will be automaticly set by LDS if you set the DN.


March 23rd, 2015 7:57am

Yep, that was my experience with previous deployments of the Scope Filter Sync Rule.

We have restarted FIM, applied the latest hotfix, recreated the Sync Rule from scratch...but the problem still exists.

Due to time constraints, we will no longer use the Portal and Sync Rules, and will deploy a Rules Extension instead...also means no CALs, so its a great saving since there are thousands of accounts :)

Thank you for testing things Peter.

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March 23rd, 2015 10:29pm

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