Dear all, good morning.I have a trouble with Sync in Windows 7. After create a sync file, when the PC is disconnected to the domain, as soon as i read a sync directory or a specific file, PC becomes very slow. If I edit a file any time i write a single letter the led of HDD turn on anf stay on for long time. Minutes.The HDD really does not work, I think Windows does not know where are the file and start to search them on tne domain. Domain is not connect and so Windoes seach I do not know where. It is impossible to work.I try to disable file snahre on line from sync control panel and at that moment PC return to work properly and very fast.Some one can help me?Thanks in advance.
June 4th, 2009 1:30pm

Are you sure the computer released the connection to the domain? It could be holding on to it even though you disconnected.
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June 16th, 2009 12:05am

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