System Volume Information on USB Drive
Windows 8.1 Pro. When I connect a removable USB Drive, system stupidly creates  RECYCLE.BIN and System Volume Information with single file  IndexerVolumeGuid even after a full formating.
Restore points creating  is off on that drive. As the name "IndexerVolumeGuid",  I thought that maybe Windows Search service prevents delete  IndexerVolumeGuid and System Volume Information respectively. I stopped and  Disabled the service, rebooted,  but system still does not allow not rename or delete System Volume Information folder. 
I'm owner System Volume Information folder and IndexerVolumeGuid file,  Permissions just for me and SYSTEM.
In IndexerVolumeGuid file is only entry with strange GUID {8B1F6EAD-C445-47EA-BD68-CD54AA51567F}. Nor in the registry does not exist such GUID, nor Google does not know this one.

In Recicle Bin Properties now there is no way to specify which disk is to create a Recicler.

 when I try to remove it - it will appear again after reboot. How to remove all this stuff forever, and to force system not to go on this disc?
And after ...  Always two explorer.exe runs in the process somehow. 

Even if I kill the second and first restart, any action leading to the launch of the second explorer.exe. WTF? Single explorer.exe. not enough to work system now ?

  • Edited by smarty8 Saturday, November 16, 2013 8:12 AM
November 16th, 2013 9:54am


These folders contains system files so we don't suggest you delete them form your computer. You could set them as "Hiden items".

Is the D disk of the first screenshot your USB disk?

In genernal, the USB drive and removable media will not create a recycle bin. How did you add it for USB drive?

For the second problem, we recommend you try to repair with SFC:

Run the System File Checker tool (SFC.exe)

And then check the result.

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November 18th, 2013 8:56am

Yes. D: drive on the first screenshot, this is the drive in question. USB Drive is Seagate 1TB STBU1000102

I myself am at a loss about the Recycle bin. I would like to forbid for system to create it on that drive. But I could not do it. The system stupidly creates Recycle bin how much I did not delete it.

SFC.exe - has been done many times - not any errors.

November 19th, 2013 5:41pm

As far as I know, $Recycle.Bin and System Volume information are system folders that are normally created on all system attached harddrives.

Like my previous reply, we don't recommend you delete them.

Meanwhile, please use antivirus to scan the whole computer.

After that, use Clean Boot to troubleshoot if explorer.exe crashed or created by third party software conflicts

How to perform a clean boot in Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista

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November 20th, 2013 11:20am

The correct answer to this issue can be found in this thread

January 9th, 2014 12:41am

Hi everybody,

does anyone know what is the number in the file IndexerVolumeGuid ?

Like smarty8 sayed, this number is not present in registry.

For my case, after i watched the reg key HKLM\SystemMountedDevices, none of my different USB Guid are present in this key.

So i'm wondering why ?

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July 19th, 2014 4:45am

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