TTS not working (in Babylon or Foxit reader read out loud or adobe reader read out loud)


Text to speech in applications(such as Babylon or Foxit reader read out loud or adobe reader read out loud) that use it does not work.

Do not get any error, but when play would have no sound.

I think this problem has caused the program system mechanic pro, It changed the registry.

My OS is win 8.1 64 bit

really need this functionality, please help me.

March 8th, 2014 4:01am

Try to solve problem with Foxit Corporation and Babylon support/forum

Make sure that you have met software prerequisites.



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March 8th, 2014 4:13am

Extremely grateful for answer.

I try foxit reader support, but they could not help me. I think the problem is related to Windows.

I previously didn't have any problem with these softwares.

Why all three software(adobe reader, babylon, foxit) disabled at the same time?

March 8th, 2014 5:23am

Do you have another idea?
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March 9th, 2014 12:30am

 I had the same problem. I went to preferences( On the top left ) trust manager, unchecked the safe reading mode option and then it worked. If you add the audio, press escape before playing the audio. I hope this will be useful.
June 1st, 2014 9:03pm

 I had the same problem. I went to preferences( On the top left ) trust manager, unchecked the safe reading mode option and then it worked. If you add the audio, press escape before playing the audio. I hope this will be useful.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 2nd, 2014 1:00am

Breakthrough! with Adobe, that is, but along the same lines as Stella describes with (I assume) Foxit.

I've been trying to figure out how to get the 8.1 OS on my tablet to read PDFs to me since I got a lenovo yoga tablet last year.  Never had a problem reading documents out loud in Adobe with Windows 7, but couldn't do Read Out Loud with any PDF once Windows 8.1 entered my life.  With the tip that it might be something in Adobe that needed changing (despite logical reasons for assuming something needed tinkering/toggling/whatever in Windows), I fished around in Adobe help and found a reference to a conflict between accessibility features and Protected Mode.

In short, to make Adobe XI read out loud in a Windows 8.1 environment, go to Edit: Preferences: Security (Enhanced) and deselect  "Enable Protected Mode at startup."   Taking the check off that box removes the default "Protected Mode."  Then exit Adobe, go back in, and listen to Microsoft David (or Hazel or Zira) read to you! 

May 15th, 2015 4:02pm

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