Tablet rotation issue using Windows Journal
Hi I have rotation problem with my Toshiba Protege 400. I was previously using Vista where screen rotation was very easy and was working without problem (right click on desktop and there was posibility to chose required screen rotation) I canot find such tool in W7. But it is additional thing to the one I would like to discus. When I'm using Journal and rotate the screen or automatically or using the mobility center tool than 1/3 part of the Journal screen is not accessible. I can write or do everything on screen but only in limited area. On rght hend part of screen when it is on normal (horizontal) mode or on bottom part (Vertical - mode) I cannot write or do anything. The strange thing is that when I start to write eg. single line in area when I can write than I can continue on the area where writing is not possible but when I try to make line starting from the error area than I cannot do anything. Have some one Idea why it si doing so ?
June 12th, 2009 9:22pm

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