Temporary Profile - Vista Business SP1
Hello We have purchased a new PC with Vista Business 32-bit preloaded, this is connected to our server running Windows Small Business Server 2003. The problem is that every time users log onto the PC they are assigned a temporary profile. We have created a new user also and the same happens! Does anyone know why and how this can be fixed? Neil C
May 16th, 2008 7:28pm

Hi, Are you logging in on the domain or localy, on the computer. When you say "temporary" what exactly do you mean by that and what is the full path that is created?
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May 17th, 2008 11:06am

Hi I have joined the domain and am logging on as a domain user. The profile isnt loaded and Vista says its loaded a temporary profile, all changes are lost when logged off. Neil
May 18th, 2008 9:58pm

Hi, I suggest checking the following points: 1. Is the user account using roaming profile? If so, please change the profile type to local to check the result. 2. Is the user account a member of Domain Guests or Guests group? If so, please remove the user from the groups to check the result. You can check it by using the command whoami /groups. 3. Are all domain accounts including the domain Administrator encountering this issue? In addition, please check if the following KB article can help: Error message when you use a migrated user account to log on to a migrated computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP: "Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile" http://support.microsoft.com/?id=941339 If all the above suggestions do not work, please collect the following information on the Windows Vista machine for further research: 1. Registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\PROFILELIST 2. Application and System Logs. After that, zip the above files and upload to the following space: https://sftasia.one.microsoft.com/ChooseTransfer.aspx?key=abf15a11-86f3-4761-9f7e-84b90425a399 Password: 0al[z!Cax4dxtC6 Hope it helps.
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June 2nd, 2008 8:30am

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