The gateway on my laptop is messed up and is stopping me from connecting to Xbox Live
I have tried EVERYTHING to get my xbox to connect to XBL and it won't work. The only things it could be now are DHCP isn't turned on or there is a problem with the gateway and I just checked my home router and DHCP is turned on. I connect my xbox to my laptop via ethernet cable and share internet with it to connect to XBL. This worked fine in at home then I went off to school and a friend changed some settings and it worked there but now I'm back home for break and my xbox won't connect to XBL anymore. Can someone please help me, I have spent most of my break trying to find out whats wrong but nothing has worked. Thank you.
December 28th, 2011 11:33pm

Hi, I would like to verify which way you connect to Xbox Live through Windows 7. (Using bridge or Internet Connection Sharing?) Can Windows 7 access Internet successfully? Does Windows 7 use wireless or wired connection? Since the issue occurs after changing the configuration, please perform system restore first. If it doesn't work, please refer to the following KB to configure the connection. Use your computer to connect your Xbox 360 console to Xbox LIVE Meanwhile, you can post in Xbox support to get more assistances. Best Regards, Niki Niki Han TechNet Community Support
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January 2nd, 2012 6:33am

Hi, I would like to verify which way you connect to Xbox Live through Windows 7. (Using bridge or Internet Connection Sharing?) Can Windows 7 access Internet successfully? Does Windows 7 use wireless or wired connection? Since the issue occurs after changing the configuration, please perform system restore first. If it doesn't work, please refer to the following KB to configure the connection. Use your computer to connect your Xbox 360 console to Xbox LIVE Meanwhile, you can post in Xbox support to get more assistances. Best Regards, Niki Niki Han TechNet Community Support
January 2nd, 2012 10:32pm

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