The servername of a mapped network drive is changed, how to change de mapped network drive?
The servername of a mapped network drive is changed, how to change de mapped network drive? I can not change the mapped network drive in the properties (or any of the options given by right clicking). I do not want to make a new mapped network drive, because when I was offline I worked on some files. I want to synchronise the local folders with the network files.
April 10th, 2012 3:42am

You could use net use for this purpose. You will however have to remove and re-add the network drive if you use that method. My advice would be to backup the changed files and re-add the network drive as such: Open a command prompt with administrative credentialsnet use N: /delete (assuming N: is the network drive) net use N: \\server\share /persistent:yes That should solve your problem
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April 10th, 2012 7:35am

You can also do in the graphic mode. To do this you first need to go my computer and then right click the mapped drive that is not connecting and then disconnect. To map a new drive you will need to go to tools in the menu bar and then choose the drive letter is available and then browse the location of what you would like to map. Make sure to select connect at logon if you wish to be connected automatically when you start windows (this is selected by default). Hope this is helpful.
April 10th, 2012 9:32am

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