Trace route doesn't close properly

I'm using trace route alot, but continues to have a big problem with it in Windows 8.1 Pro. It does it's thing, but when it's done it doesn't close so I can make another trace without first running another instance of the command prompt. It just stops at "Trace complete." And the cursor flashing below it, not returning to where I can type another command.

If I run ping (or any other command I've tried) it closes as supposed, so I can run another ping right away. Also if I don't trace anything, but just enter "tracert" or add the "-?" flag it closes as I think it should. But adding flags to a trace isn't helping with the problem.

Am I doing something wrong? I think everything is set up as it was in Windows 7.

March 29th, 2015 3:27pm


When run from a cmd windows tracert does not close.  It just finishes.  I suspect you mean that.  Please give us more information.

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March 29th, 2015 4:31pm

It halts on "Trace comlete.", [CTRL]+C doesn't close it either. I'm trying to upload screenshots but the forum doesn't allow me, says my account isn't verified.

I can't post links either, but here is some screenshots on my OneDrive: http - / 1BY4AOD

March 30th, 2015 4:54pm


You are not running tracert from an elevated command prompt

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March 30th, 2015 7:27pm

Ran it as admin, still does the same. :(
March 30th, 2015 8:18pm


Weird issue, I have the same result as Zigzag's, normal result. Have you tried to test this issue using another user account? Or you can just tracert your-machine's-ip-address, check the result.

Or we can create a batch file, then add a line "exit" at the end of the tracert command line, check whether it can successfully end the session.


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March 30th, 2015 11:22pm

Created another administrator account, the same there.
Tried to trace my own IP, the same there.
Tried a batch-file containing just:


And it still does the same.

March 31st, 2015 9:34am


Obviously something local to your environment.   I would try running asystem file check

Please run a system file check (SFC) & DISM if you are on win 8 or higher
All instructions are in our Wiki article below...
Should you have any questions please ask us.

System file check (SFC) Scan and Repair System Files

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March 31st, 2015 9:51am

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