Trouble customizing Portal for new Group management


We are looking to manage UNIX group memberships from the FIM Portal. 

We have exported UNIX groups to FIM Portal with the following Portal Group characteristics:

  • accountname
  • description
  • displayname
  • domain = UNIX (this is for differentiation purposes)
  • membershipaddworkflow = None
  • membershipLocked = false
  • scope = Global (didn't really know what else to use here)
  • type = Security (didn't really know what else to use here)
  • member

We have created a new UNIX Group Search as follows:

  • Search scope filter /Group[Domain='UNIX'] and this shows the right groups in the preview
  • Keywords: BasicUI, AllUNIXGroups

Have added the following to the navigation bar (following same pattern as existing groups):

  • UNIX Groups (UGs) - ~/IdentityManagement/aspx/groups/UNIXGroups.aspx (keyword: BasicUI,AllUNIXGroups)
  • My UGs - ~/IdentityManagement/aspx/groups/UNIXMyGroups.aspx (keyword: BasicUI,AllUNIXGroups)
  • My UG Memberships - ~/IdentityManagement/aspx/groups/UNIXMyMemberships.aspx (keyword: BasicUI,AllUNIXGroups)

The .aspx files above are simply copies of the existing files: Groups.aspx, MyGroups.aspx, MyMemberships.aspx

Additionally we have followed this guide to ensure that the right Sets have access to the right resource via MPRs for NavBar, Homepage and Search Scopes:

And here are the problems:

  • when we click: UNIX Groups (Navigation bar link) we get this error: 'The webpage cannot be found' 404 error:
  • when we click My UGs (Navigation bar link) we get this error: 'The webpage cannot be found' 404 error:
  • when we click My UG Memberships (Navigation bar link) we get this error: 'The webpage cannot be found' 404 error:
  • when we Search within 'All UNIX Group' search scope item, we get this error 'The webpage cannot be found' 404 error

Why have they made this so complicated...could someone please advise on how to troubleshoot and resolve this (what should be a minor) Portal configuration.



  • Edited by Shim Kwan Friday, October 03, 2014 12:40 AM
October 3rd, 2014 3:06am

So I did a search for the working .aspx file: allgroups.aspx

and I see 2 other places for a similar match...a compiled file and a application extension ... do I need to create something like this for my new UNIX pages too? I thought I just needed a new bunch of .aspx files in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\MSILM2SitePages\SitePages\aspx\groups

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October 3rd, 2014 5:14am

I'm not sure what you will accomplish by duplicating the aspx files of the default security group pages. Can you not just filter your unix groups using the search scope in the regular groups page? Even if you got these duplicated pages working, they would still have the same functionality as the OOTB Security Groups page.

All you need to do is add the "AllSecurityGroups" usage keyword to your search scope, the "UNIX Groups" dropdown will then appear under the default Security Groups page. 

October 3rd, 2014 5:48am

Check this out, specifically the table on usage keywords. 

Then check this out to create a custom view that uses your search scope. Note if you do this you will lose the Add/Delete/Join etc. Only "Details" will be displayed at the top of the custom view. If this is not an option, you can add the AllSecurityGroups usage keyword to your search scope and it will appear within the security groups area. 

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October 3rd, 2014 6:53am

So I found this other posting on the forums, where someone experienced the same issues.

It looks like you can create site pages in a few different ways:

- you can use sharepoint designer

- create advanced custom sharepoint feature that includes your pages

Would be nice if MS posted a guide though...

October 4th, 2014 11:56pm

So I found this other posting on the forums, where someone experienced the same issues.

It looks like you can create site pages in a few different ways:

- you can use sharepoint designer

- create advanced custom sharepoint feature that includes your pages

Would be nice if MS posted a guide though...

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October 4th, 2014 11:56pm

However, what's the point of any customization... very short-sighted...

Localizing the text and labels that are not covered in portal UI configuration resources. This includes the title of a FIM page, such as All Distribution Groups.

  • Edited by Shim Kwan Monday, October 06, 2014 7:59 PM
October 6th, 2014 10:59pm

Hi Shim,

If you can live without the group management buttons then you could easily deploy a custom resource for your Unix groups. The product guys keep telling us they want to hear from their customers, so raise this issue with your Technical Account Manager. There could be scope in vNext to make group management more generic.

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October 8th, 2014 1:33pm

Sure thing, thanks Tom
October 8th, 2014 11:22pm

Sure thing, thanks Tom
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October 8th, 2014 11:22pm

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