Tuesday's patch broke mapped network drives to Apple machines.  No longer visible in Network.
Try to catch network traffic and look into event logs for errors and warning. Also check if the latest updates may influence name resolution. Regards Milos
June 16th, 2012 2:53am

We have (2) PC's running auto Windows Update which have Network drive maps to an Apple network file server. After the patch yesterday, after reboot, neither machine could see their existing mapped drive to their primary Apple file server. The drive maps had broken, and in order to reestablish them, the i.p. address (for instance \\\appleServerName ) had to be entered. Other Linux and PC devices were unaffected. A few other Apple machines were still visible, but they no longer accepted logins. What gives? Is this Apple or their local admin failing to update their system to the latest patch? They immediatley blamed Windows, mocking and smirking that 'they' did nothing, Windows just broke. I can't find any info in the patch notes about this.. Maybe someone can explain please. Thanks
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June 17th, 2012 8:48am

Try to catch network traffic and look into event logs for errors and warning. Also check if the latest updates may influence name resolution. Regards Milos
June 18th, 2012 2:47am

To have a system restore to repair your system first. If the issue peresists, you may uninstall the patches manually. (Control Panel->Programs and Features->View installed Updates->"select the patch and uninstall it")Ivan-Liu TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 18th, 2012 3:51am

To have a system restore to repair your system first. If the issue peresists, you may uninstall the patches manually. (Control Panel->Programs and Features->View installed Updates->"select the patch and uninstall it")Ivan-Liu TechNet Community Support
June 22nd, 2012 3:47am

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