UAC audit
In our old XP environment users were logged in with non-adminstrative credentials. We set it up so that userse could invoke a program to elevate their permissions where they entered a message as to why they were elevating rights. They could then log off and back on with administrator permissions to install their apps, etc. We would like to use the new UAC functions in Windows7. Users could elevate permissions without having to logoff and back on. However, we would still like to capture the reason why they are elevating rights. Any suggestions on how to do this at the time they are elevating permissions - e.g. intercept the consent prompt? We have also considered just trying to have UAC events audited and parse the event log to determine when permissions were elevated. However, it may be hard to decipher the reason why rights were elevated.
April 20th, 2010 9:42pm

I have looked into UAC security and bitlocker as well as other security scenarios. I have studied security extensively. As I am a developer I can probably find an API somewhere buried in the documentation to be able tohook the UAC but I have not noticed it browsing the manuals. Corporations typically use a standardized software stack and then use other measures to protect their intelectural property and securuty. Vote if answered or helpful, I am running for Office (joke)! IT/Developer, Windows/Linux/Mainframe
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April 21st, 2010 2:31am

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