UAG web application unable to upload files SMALLER than 1 Mb
I have a question I was hoping you might be able to assist with. On our published web application, we have the ability to upload documents. However we can only upload documents larger than 1 Mb. I have tried uploading a few word documents smaller than 1 Mb and they all fail to upload. We do not receive an error nor does it log anything in the UAG Web Monitor. Our test PDF file that is 2.3 Mb in size uploaded successfully. As for anything less than 1 Mb, it simply does not upload. It tries but obviously fails.   After Inspecting the Response Body on the page I found the following. SUCCESSFUL DOCUMENT (2.3 Mb): {"json":true,"HttpRequestId":"Tt7zDcsfXSMAABQQAAAAAS7V","data":[{"URL":"1323234061_0_0","Id":172374,"Name":"test.pdf","Description":"72798: test.pdf","CreatedBy":{"UserName":"USERNAME","Email":"","EmailCC":"","Contact":"FIRSTNAME LASTNAME","CompanyName":"NAMEOFCOMPANY","Online":true,"LegacyUserId":"USERNAME","Phone":"1234-567-890","PricingSchedule":1,"LegacyUser":{"UId":"USERNAME","Envir":1,"MBox":"","Name":"NAMEOFCOMPANY","Addr":"PO Box 1234","Postcode":"1234","Tel":"1234-567-890","Fax":"","Email":"","City":"Sydney","State":"NSW","Abn":"","DxNum":"","DxSub":"","UType":"gx","Attention":"","Type":"Internal","Rep":"AA","Contact":"FIRSTNAME LASTNAME","BType":"ZZ","AcctGrp":"9","Active":true,"AccessLevel":3,"MId":"USERNAME            ","CId":"1","Online":true,"EmailCC":""},"Id":31129,"Name":"FIRSTNAME LASTNAME","CreatedDate":"\/Date(1282553438000+1000)\/","CreatedByName":""},"CreatedDate":"\/Date(1323234061000+1000)\/","CreatedByName":"FIRSTNAME LASTNAME"}],"total":20,"success":true} FAILED DOCUMENT (930 Kbs) : {"json":true,"HttpRequestId":"Tt7yrcsfXSMAABQQAAAAB69X","data":[],"total":20,"success":true} Could you please help us as to why uploads smaller than 1mb are not uploading? Thanks, Andrew.
  • Edited by Higgsy86 Wednesday, December 07, 2011 11:31 PM
December 8th, 2011 2:30am


Did you manage to resolve this problem?  We are seeing a similar issue.  We have noticed that when trying to upload a file we are getting an error 500 coming back from IIS.

Many thanks,


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