UTF8 Encoding Bug Report about using ftp with windows explorer
I think I've found an windows explorer bug and I don't know where to report here is the thing when using windows explorer visit ftp server such as ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx windows explorer send a command "OPTS utf8 on" to tell ftp server to use utf8 ftp server would accept it and send file names using utf8 when windows explorer using "nlist" ftp command (that is correct response for ftp server) then when windows explorer using utf8 upload some CJK charactors named file, windows explorer do the wrong way in encoding for example a file name like ".mp3"windows explorer will send a incorrect encoded file name to the ftp server
March 26th, 2012 11:25am

Hi, How about that if you use other ftp client instead of windows explorer to visit the ftp server? Will you get the same issue? Best Regards Scott Xie
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March 29th, 2012 5:33am

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