Unable to Change Default Program for JPG in Windows 7 RC
I was testing out some stuff in Windows 7, and I changed the default program to open JPGs to Windows Explorer, and now Windows thinks that it should permanently be like that and it is impossible for me to change the default program for it. If I go to default programs in the Control Panel, JPG no longer shows up. If I right click and choose "Open With > Choose default program..." it grays out the box that would allow me to set it as the permanent reader. Any solutions?
July 21st, 2009 6:50am

Program for JPGIn Run -> Regedt32; Edit Dropdown >Find - enter value->.JPG I see in "OpenWithProgids"(Default) REG_SZ (Value not set)jpegfile REG_SZ QuickTime.jpg REG_NONE (Zero-length binary value)WindowsLive.PhotoGallery.jpg.14.0 REG_SZ
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July 21st, 2009 7:44pm

Thank you sir, this solved my problem. All I did was search for OpenWithProgids in regedt32, then I found the jpg folder, and I deleted a folder called User *Something*, and then it brought back the change option in Properties.
July 22nd, 2009 2:39am

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