Unable to delete MPEG-4 files.
I now have two, MPEG-4 files on my personal laptop that I cannot delete. Every attempt to do so results in an'Access denied' message. I am using XP Home Edition, it is my computer so I should have full administrative rights. When I right click on the files and go to properties, the only tabs I have are General and Summary.There is no Security tab.Can anyone suggest how I might delete these files short of reformatting my hard drive!!1 person needs an answerI do too
August 27th, 2010 11:26am

Try...Doing it in Safe Mode. Reboot and do *not* go to them using Windows Explorer (hopefully they are not on the desktop) and get there through a DOS command prompt and DEL them from DOS.Download and utilize the utility "UnLocker".-- Shenan Stanley MS-MVP --How To Ask Questions The Smart Wayhttp://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
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August 27th, 2010 4:19pm

I now have two, MPEG-4 files on my personal laptop that I cannot delete. Every attempt to do so results in an'Access denied' message. I am using XP Home Edition, it is my computer so I should have full administrative rights. When I right click on the files and go to properties, the only tabs I have are General and Summary.There is no Security tab.Can anyone suggest how I might delete these files short of reformatting my hard drive!!If safe mode doesn't work try deleting them from your Media Player library first then from your My Video folder or wherever you saved them in the beginning.I don't vote for myself I'm not here for the points. If this post helps you, vote. Visit my forum @ http://repairbotsonline.com/
August 27th, 2010 4:57pm

What exactly does the "Access denied" message say?If it says "File is locked or write-protected", use a freeware utility that is designed to delete any file you point it at that won't allow itself to delete."I am using XP Home Edition, it is my computer so I should have full administrative rights."Are you sure you are logged in to the Administrator account?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 28th, 2010 10:13pm

If you want the securitu tab to show in XP Home, either start in safe mode, or use the fix to show the security tab in normal mode:http://www.dougknox.com/xp/tips/xp_home_sectab.htm<DavidHumphreys> wrote in message news:Email removed for privacy...I now have two, MPEG-4 files on my personal laptop that I cannot delete. Every attempt to do so results in an'Access denied' message. I am using XP Home Edition, it is my computer so I should have full administrative rights. When I right click on the files and go to properties, the only tabs I have are General and Summary.There is no Security tab.Can anyone suggest how I might delete these files short of reformatting my hard drive!!
August 29th, 2010 2:33am

It is possible that your Windows Media Player or other MP4 program (Real Player, VLC, Nero, iTune) was abruptly shut while the MP4 was being played. This leaves the file in a locked process with the program as well as with Windows Explorer (and also any antivirus you may have).One way to unlock is to use Unlocker [http://www.filehippo.com/download_unlocker/].If you want to rebuild Windows Media Player database [you say, gosh another database..I say it is a big one if you never cleaned], you can do it while in SAFE MODE.It is in: "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player"read here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/knowledgecenter/mediaadvice/0089.mspx#EXCNote: All links and information are for strict educational purpose only. Implementation of suggestion carry certain risk for which web site, any participant in this web site, any person-- living or dead--or the author is not responsible in any manner whatsoever. Since not every minutiea of information is provided by information seeker, I have provided restrictive, limited information for education purposes only. Reader bears the full consequence of their action of implementing any suggestion - induced, deduced, or otherwise for any meaning contrieved, deviced, for the use of resources on this or any other communication media in broadest term.
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August 30th, 2010 4:06am

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