Unable to install Windows 8 updates error code 0x800736B3 and 0x80246007.


I am having issues with the Asus Transformer tablet/laptop TX300CA.

It comes with Windows 8 Pro.

After downloading windows 8 updates, it doesn't want to install all of the software updates.

I received an error code such as 0x800736B3.

Can anyone help???

Is there methods to solve this issues???

  • Edited by mrdbeta 23 hours 13 minutes ago
October 20th, 2013 8:28pm

try all the steps from this KB article first:

"Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer" error when you try to install Windows updates

If this doesn't work, we must look for error messages in the following log files to see the cause of Windows 8 update failures:

Please run the Windows Explorer and go to the folder "C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\" and copy all files to your document folder, also copy the file C":\Windows\Inf\setupapi.dev.log" , the "C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log" and the file "C:\Windows\winsxs\poqexec.log" to your document folder (otherwise you can't upload it), zip all files into 1 ZIP and upload the zip to your SkyDrive [1] and post a link here.


[1] http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itproui/thread/4fc10639-02db-4665-993a-08d865088d65
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October 20th, 2013 9:24pm

Hi Andre,

The laptop infact belongs to someone else. So I am not the rightful owner.

But when I download and try to install.

I keep getting errors.

One of them such as 0x800736B3. There might be other error as well as I forgot to write it down.

Using a Windows 8 Pro. The main problem that I am facing right now is that most Manufacturer did not bundle a Windows 8 Pro DVD Disc. I wonder is there a way to do a recovery.

Yesterday I did try with Chkdsk /f and SFC/ SCANNOW.

And redo the Windows Updates.

Still nothing works!!!

Another thing which I need to inform you that his Network was terribly slow! Or Dead!!! 

I cannot even updates any apps from Windows Apps Store.

I try even to hook to the Ethernet port. It didn't enable and even recognize either.

So I have little choice to go about doing things. I'm dead stuck right now, not knowing what to do.

Can anyone in this forum help???

  • Edited by mrdbeta Monday, October 21, 2013 6:10 AM
October 21st, 2013 9:02am

upload the logs. I need to review them to see why files are missing.
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October 21st, 2013 9:05am


The network of his is completely dead!

How am I going to send it to you.

When I checked the Network via the Task Manager. Both sending and receiving are dead zero!!!

Yesterday, while I was downloading, the network just got cut off for no utter reasons.

How the heck am I going to do the Windows Updates.

Now everything seems to be stuck. Both Windows Update and Windows Apps Store!!!

Is there any command that I can do???

Things just go horribly wrong at the owners end.

The Wifi is completely dead! The network broadband bandwidth is zeroing out!

The Ethernet card doesn't seems to be working at all. Even I plug in the Ethernet cable directly to the Router.

My intention is to help him out (In a good way) to upgrade to Windows 8.1. And come to this problem that I have.

  • Edited by mrdbeta Monday, October 21, 2013 6:19 AM
October 21st, 2013 9:12am

copy the files to an external USB drive and upload it from your PC/laptop/tablet
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 21st, 2013 9:19am


Can't do that now. The owner is giving up with Microsoft and stick with his trusty MAC OS X!

His Asus Transformer TX300CA indeed have Windows 8.1 driver support. I did check with ASUS website.

However I did many tests base on Microsoft Support Knowledge base.

I even try the Microsoft Fix it. It too didn't work.

The Asus Transformer TX300CA is using Windows 8 Pro OEM version.

There is a possibility that his Windows 8 is corrupted.

I try to find the  "C:\Windows\winsxs\poqexec.log". No where to be found.

The strange part is The ASUS Transformer TX300CA cannot install any updates patches of Windows 8!!!

I come to know that many people are having this issues regardless which laptop brand they are using.

However I did it with ease on a Lenovo laptop.

The process of having upgrading to Windows 8.1 via Windows Apps Store is very tedious and long process. It's very very slow. Not unless you have a High Broadband speed.

It's very time consuming. It's not a good method of upgrading to Windows 8.1.

My Suggestion to Microsoft to release a FREE DVD upgrade disc to all of it's customers.

You have to bare in mind that not everyone in the world is using a High Speed Broadband network.

In some country they still using a clunky old 24,33.6,56K modem.

How are they going to do the 3.8GB of upgrade to Windows 8.1. It will take them months to complete the tasks.

  • Edited by mrdbeta 23 hours 2 minutes ago
October 22nd, 2013 7:49am

You can download an ISO with a Win8 key:


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 23rd, 2013 3:32am

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