Unable to run batch files on windows 8.1
A few weeks ago I started to have the problem were the game I am making suddenly wont run as a batch file. Ive tired to open other batch files and it works because my friend said he fix it but I have no idea. I wanted help figuring out what is wrong with the save to location batch command and why it is crashing.
March 15th, 2015 4:09pm

the problem were the game I am making suddenly wont run as a batch file.


What is the meaning of the sentence? the batch file is written to run a game? What about "run as Administrator"? Have you tried to copy the batch file to another system to check whether it can run correctly? We shoud first find out whether this issue is related with the batch file itself or any other configurations in your system. Or you can edit the batch file, add Pause at the end of the batch file, save, then run, see what ha

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March 17th, 2015 2:05am

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