Unable to take ownership of file in Windows 8.

I have a text file generated by a program for which I cannot take the ownership. First of all. I follow the usual method to add my user profile into the ACL and after I see the permissions to full control I'm still not able to modify the file.

Here's the method I followed:

Open file or folder properties.

Click Security tab. The picture you posted will open.

Click Edit button.

Click Add.

In the picker window, type user or group to whom you wish to assign permissions. The user or group must already exist.

In the permissions, click Full Control.

Click Apply

Click OK to close all open windows.

 Taken from an answer in my this question

There are a few things which I have noticed seem suspicious to me.

1. On the "Advanced Security Settings" Dialogue for the file, there's something called "Integrity level: High Mandatory Level". I'm not aware of what it is.

2. In permission entries listbox, where it shows my user profile. The column "Inherited from" is set to "none" while for the other groups it's inherited from "C:\". Note that I moved the file from C:\ to C:\Logs folder.

If I need to provide more information, let me know.


July 5th, 2013 1:37am

I had to use Icacls ultility command to set the integrity levels to provide the write access and hopefully it worked.
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July 5th, 2013 1:55pm

Glad to hear you found the resolution.
July 8th, 2013 2:53am

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