Unbelivable problem windows 7 firewall.
Hi, I'm an Italian guy and I apologize for my English. On my laptop using Windows 7 and its firewall and I had a curiosity which I realized I do not know but which give a logical explanation: If I configure the firewall to block all outgoing connections and all incoming connection made that if my network card is set to receive a dhcp receive ip address from my router correctly. If everithing<var id="yiv882359339yui-ie-cursor"></var> is blocked outgoing and incoming how is this possible? There should also be blocked UDP DHCP requests? With another product, comodo firewall if I close my outgoing and incoming, network adapter does not receive any ip address from the router. Thanks soo mutch and I apologize for the inconvenience.
June 23rd, 2011 10:26am

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