Updating Win7 RC with RTM-release
Hi, I wonder where I can find a guide that tells me how to move from my currently installed RC1 release to the RTM release and keep my personal settings. I have read somewhere of Windows Easy Transfer, perhaps that is something I should use? I'd be thankful for any and all tips.Slickassnot
July 30th, 2009 8:51am

Yes, Windows Easy Transfer is what you needed. For more inforamiton, visit: How to back up a PC Thanks.
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July 30th, 2009 9:47am

Thank YOU Robinson!Slickassnot
July 30th, 2009 10:03am

Hi, I wonder where I can find a guide that tells me how to move from my currently installed RC1 release to the RTM release and keep my personal settings. I have read somewhere of Windows Easy Transfer, perhaps that is something I should use?I'd be thankful for any and all tips. Slickassnot Just a word of warning - if you use Outlook do NOT, I repeat NOT, use Windows Easy Transfer to transfer your Outlook data. It completely screws up Outlook.If you do use Outlook, see here on how to backup and restore:http://www.howto-outlook.com/howto/backupandrestore.htm
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July 30th, 2009 10:46am

Slick - One additional bit of advice - if you do use Windows Easy Transfer tomove your data and settings, be sure to use the one that comes with the RTM version. I can't say with 100% certainty, but there may be differences in the software that came with the RC and the one that ships with the RTM code. If you use the WET utility that came with the RC and try to restore with the RTM version, it might not be able to read the backed up data. The version that came with build 7000 was different enough from the one in 7100 to cause problems. No need to repeat that.
July 30th, 2009 11:53am

why he can not run just upgrade from DVD? insert your dvd and hit upgrade menu button...? isnt it so easy?
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July 30th, 2009 12:11pm

Thanks to GordonBP, Wolfie2k6! Slickassnot
July 30th, 2009 12:23pm

why he can not run just upgrade from DVD?insert your dvd and hit upgrade menu button...? isnt it so easy? Kuklachev - The RC is not upgradable to the RTM version. There are a number of reasons but the two primary ones would be:1.) You do not want to mix RC code with the RTM code. You want a clean install. Mixing code can result in all manner of problems - problems Microsoft isn't going to fix. 2.) Currently the RC is released as Ultimate version only. Most likely, you will only be installing Home Premium or Professional. There is no way to downgrade Windows from Ultimate to a lower edition. You can only upgrade from lower versions to higher ones. So, no... It's not quite as easy as you make it out to be.
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July 30th, 2009 12:35pm

kuklachev - 1.) Mix - as in some files get upgraded, and some don't. You might have some 7100 versioned files and some that are 7600. That can cause problems if one of the files that didn't get replaced is one that actually SHOULD have been swapped out. And let's not forget orphaned registry entries that can cause problems. 2.) Uh.. Unless you bought your PC in the last month (since June 26th), there is no such thing as a "free" upgrade. Truth is,unless you have a need for Bitlocker or Branch Cache or any of the other two or three things Ultimate offers over Professional, you're probably wasting your money buying Ultimate. In fact, unless you're logging into a domain, even Professional is a bit more than the average user is going to need.Build 7600 - aka RTM - is not yet released to anyone except for OEMs. I don't think I want to know where and how you got ahold of it.
July 30th, 2009 2:55pm

Use the normal way of exporting setting for individual software. Such as outlook. The microsoft easy transfer is a mess......:(( hence do not use it.As the system is downgrade you will not be able to migrate from RC1 to RTM ..... :))If you boot from DVD it will offer clean install only ....... :))
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July 30th, 2009 3:16pm

yea Windows Easy Transfer - transfers only your (some) settings, but not your files and programs. so you will need to install everything again, i am not sure if its a good option for you... ok, there is a mixture of good and bad code(???), but what about "upgrade" from previous version??? is what we talking about, why if i insert my dvd with W7 (no matter which build) i see 2 links - 1. clean install, and 2. "upgrade"(keeps your files etc.)??? if its not working - thats one issue, but if i see it and it upgrades like you saying - keeps some files we need to upgrade and upgrades others, wtf???? so why do i need to load service packs?? why we need WU at all?? lets download new OS every month and do CLEAN INSTALL!! is that what you talking about??? you mean every upgrade works like this?? if not, so why there is a differense?? lol thats insane, so what i am trying to say - UPGRADE IS UPGRADE no matter what! lets skip some technical fuss, but i think you are wrong. and microsoft missed this thing as well. there is no any mixture of code, if something not working - so microsoft should fix it. and why someone keep deleting my posts?? any problems? 7600 - is it so bad for your eyes??
August 5th, 2009 9:24am

kuklachev - Everything I've read about WET (Windows Easy Transfer) says it copies your DATA files as well as your settings. But you are right - programs do not get transfered. The obvious reason for that is the registry. Microsoft has NO interest in trying to decode what registry entries are needed and which ones aren't. It's a question of being efficient with the install and making it so it doesn't take a week to do it.It's not so much a question of the code being "good" or "bad" - it's an inanimate object. It just is. It's just a question of it not being the RIGHT code if it's an older version. Having the wrong version can cause problems and Microsoft is NOT going to fix them. You're going to wind up having to do a clean reinstall anyway - so you might as well do it right the first time. No? Service Packs are usually collections of updates that have previoiusly been released as individual patches. They may include a few new goodies, but for the most part they don't add too much new to the mix. Then again, if you've got, say, Vista SP1, downloading the SP2 file and installing it might be faster and easier than downloading 50 or 100 individual patches from Windows Update. I think you know darn well better why there isn't a brand new OS each and every month. Most people do not have time to sit there and spend days reconfiguring their systems. They want a system that runs day in, day out and gets the job done without having to be reinstalled all the time with a BARE MINIMUM of down time.Microsoft has already invested a lot of time and energy in getting upgrades from Vista to work correctly without a bunch of issues. And that's reasonable. There will likely be a lot of Vista users who are going to upgrade to Windows 7. During the early part of the RC phase, they asked people to do upgrades from Vista specifically so they could find and fix the problems. They also said that upgrading from the Beta to the RC would not be supported mainly because they didn't plan on fixing the niggling little quirks that come about when upgrading from Beta to RC. Given the Beta expired 5 days ago, and the RTM version hasn't shipped in any legitimate way as yet except to a few OEMs, and won't for the most part until October 22nd, upgrading from the Beta to the RTM would be fairly close to impossible given the Beta is now dead as a doornail. Add to that the little fact that you can't downgrade from Ultimate to any other edition - for the SAME reasons why WET doesn't copy programs - it should be plain and simply apparent why it's NOT going to happen.As to why your posts are getting deleted - there IS a policy that Microsoft has about legitimate builds. At this point, the only builds we can talk about are 7000 (Beta) and 7100 (RC). When the RTM build is released to MSDN and TechNet Plus subscribers tomorrow, August 6th, then build 7600 will also be a legitimate topic for discussion. Unless you're working for one of those OEMs, or were a member of the inner circle of beta testers, the only way you could have gotten build 7600 would have been through a P2P site of some sort. The official policy can be found here.
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August 5th, 2009 1:50pm

issue solved. (this is endless :)) thank you but my point is - nothing is ready for end user or customer, you just trying to convince me that there is no way you can upgrade from 7100 to > 7x00... and cause is beta, old code, but hidden words are just: they don't wanna waste resources to fix this issue, cause they like locomotive - only they think about is profit, system should be ready for 80% of users(cause they don't see those bugs and glitches) and they dont care about 20% (people like me, who knows everything and see everything) yesterday i tried to upgrade other machines, and i found some "leftovers" and locked folders, some files broken.
August 5th, 2009 3:42pm

1. its called MSDN..... home, profressional and ultimate/enterprise versionsare available fordownloadto subscribers since8/6/092. there is no current upgrade to RTM from RC.... u can only edit the version number so the RC wont expire in a few months.3. microsoft did say, RC will be upgradable to RTM.... so i am hoping an update or patch will come out and do this job.4. you can not run the Upgrade featurefrom the RTM on RC..... it errors out.Best bet is to wait until the OEM comes out in October. Hopefully microsot will come out with a patch to allow us users to upgrade safely from RC to RTM. If not, then we will have no choice than to do a clean install. So backup your stuff!This info is for any other newb user who stumbles apon this thread and says "WTF"..... Hopefully I was able to shead some light on this matter.
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August 13th, 2009 7:33pm

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