User Password Invalid
As administrator of my computer I created a user password recently for security because my daughters using my computer and I don't want her to have administrative privileges. I wrote my password down and created a secret clue, but my password won't work and I can only get into the computer under Guest.1 person needs an answerI do too
October 16th, 2010 3:01pm

Start the computer in Safe mode and log into the built-in account named Administrator . You'll have to know the password, if any, for that account. Once in, go to Control Panel > User Accounts and change the password for your account.Then, restart the computer and log into your account with the new password. If the computer has a floppy disk drive, you can make a password reset diskBoulder Computer MavenMicrosoft Most Valuable Professional
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October 16th, 2010 4:36pm

Hi, See How to log on to your Windows XP-based computer if you forget your password or if your password expires Please note that Microsoft support engineers cannot help you retrieve passwords of files and features in Microsoft products that are lost or forgotten. See Microsoft policy about lost or forgotten passwords Additionally, read through BillFill MSFT, Moderator’s response regarding keeping passwords secure and Microsoft’s policy on getting around passwords in the following link: Keeping Passwords Secure- Microsoft Policy on Getting Around PasswordsGokul - Microsoft Support [If this post was helpful, please click the "Vote as Helpful" (green triangle) button. If it helps in resolving your issue, click "Propose As Answer" or "Mark as Answer" button. By proposing/marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.]
October 20th, 2010 5:23am

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