User Password Woes
Hello! I would like to put a script in place that when a user changes their password, that a message window appears informing them that they must logoff and enter the new password. Is it possible for our Network Administrators to "PLACE A FORCE LOGOFF SCRIPT" after users change their passwords? We recently upgraded all computers to Windows 7 w/ Office 2010. (yippee) Now, we are having the grips and moans of users in regards to being either locked out of the pc. I noticed that when a user changes his/her password, and they do not logoff (they lock it!) the NEW password is not being accepted/updated. When this occurs, we then must reset the user's password and unlock the user account. (via Active Directory - Windows Servers 2008 R2) For some of the users, who are located throughout the state, can have their computer/user account become NON-NAP compliant. (Such a mess!)
April 2nd, 2012 3:00pm

1. In spite that you placed your question in Windows 7 Misc forum, I expect that you mean domain accounts. 2. You can write a script that will start by trigger that evaluates the change of password event centrally. (The condition of connection without network disconnect would apply.) 3. Use Poweshell (or "legacy" VBS script.) For help address you problem to MS Powershel forum or special site Regards Milos
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April 3rd, 2012 3:54am

Thanks, I just hope the Network Team and Management staffer will accept this suggestion.
April 3rd, 2012 10:41am

1. In spite that you placed your question in Windows 7 Misc forum, I expect that you mean domain accounts. 2. You can write a script that will start by trigger that evaluates the change of password event centrally. (The condition of connection without network disconnect would apply.) 3. Use Poweshell (or "legacy" VBS script.) For help address you problem to MS Powershel forum or special site Regards Milos
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 3rd, 2012 10:46am

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