User attributes not getting populated correctly on FIM

Hi All,
We have been facing an issue with the fimservice off late.
When a new account is created on FIM, we see that not all the values are populated on portal.
Looking at the logs, the Person object is getting populated and this is passed to the create method.

This issue does not occur every time and it used to work perfectly fine earlier. We have been noticing this problem off late and tht too only for a few set of users.

We recently had done a migration of 25k users. I am not sure if it is something related to the load on the DB.

Can you'll please help us out as we are running out of options!

April 15th, 2015 4:33am

The main place to check is FIMService - can you see these values in Metaverse for those people? If not, troubleshoot import. If so, there's something with export.

So it's hard to say where should you check as you have only specified that there is an error and that in FIM (probably Portal?) you don't see values as expected.

DB Load would not be a problem here.

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April 15th, 2015 5:16am

Thanks for your reply. We are not doing any sync here. We are only creating users on FIM.

We are  creating the users programmatically on FIM. For some users all the values passed to the createrequest are not getting populated on the FIM portal. We see the basic attributes and a few custom attributes only. the rest of it is blank.

We had loaded some 25k users on FIM last month. After that too, things were fine until this Monday.

We also wrote a script that would fetch all the details of the users from the FIM DB and the values are blank there too. so i'm guessing there's no problem with the portal.

April 15th, 2015 5:29am

No, it's not a problem of an UI (portal).

"We also wrote a script that would fetch all the details of the users from the FIM DB and the values are blank there too. so i'm guessing there's no problem with the portal." - I hope you know that it is highly not recommended to do any operations on DB directly?

Ok, you say that you create user programmatically on FIM. Is it via PowerShell or another way? If attrbiutes are blank in Request - it seems that they are not passed to FIMService correctly. Maybe some special characters in those fields in source?

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April 15th, 2015 7:14am

The script that we used to fetch user details is on powershell and it's using the fim api's and not talking to do directly. We are creating users through a .net code that uses the fim api's. There are special characters sent in the request but this was not a problem earlier
April 15th, 2015 9:57am

Ok, if I were in your shoes, I'd start with debugging .net code and checking if it behaves as it should also with those special characters.

If you blame FIM Service, the question is - have you maybe installed any patch in last few days?

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April 15th, 2015 3:42pm

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