Users' Folders not shareable
Hi,does anyone know how to share the users' personal folders such as C:\Users\John\Music or C:\Users\John\Videos or C:\Users\John\Downloads etc. It can be easily set to be shared by right clicking and sharing tab, but then it is not accessible from any computer in network. Whereas other folders that are not in C:\Users\ is shareable faultless.I found the article here. But how can I get to the figure E?Thanks for any ideas.PS: I do NOT want to use Public folder or WMP sharing :-)
February 12th, 2008 12:07am

Hi petrolej, Thank you for the post. First please understand that the screenshot of Figure E was captured from a Windows Vista beta system. The user interface of a Windows Vista beta system is different from that of a Windows Vista final version. Therefore, you cannot find such user interface on your current system. To access the page on your system accordingly, please open Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center. Then you can adjust the settings under Sharing and Discovery. In addition, I would like to explain that in Windows Vista, if a folder named Reports is shard from your Documents folder with other users, they will be able to access the folder by using the path \\computername\Users\username\Documents\Reports instead of \\computername\Reports. Hope it helps. Best regards, Tim Quan Microsoft Online Community Support
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February 13th, 2008 11:52am

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