Using Windows Firewall to exclude individual machines in a homegroup
I'm using Windows 7 RC on 4 machines in a local network. I've got them in a homegroup for sharing this and that, and I'm connecting to shared media from both an xbox360 and a PS3 for media streaming. What I want to do is exlude two of the desktops from accessing certain folders, but allow the other desktop and both of the game consoles to continue to access the media. After poking around, it looks like the only way to do what I want is to either create a domain on a sever to centralize user management, or to use a firewall to exlude certain machines/users. I'm not setting up a domain, so the firewall solution is the way to go. My question is, how to go about it? I'm not a firewall guy, so I'm not that familiar with the ins and outs. Suggestions?
July 27th, 2009 8:43pm

Your better served looking at limiting file access on a per user basis. See these to start with. luck...MS-MVP Windows Desktop Experience, "When all else fails, read the instructions"
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July 27th, 2009 9:42pm

I understand how sharing and ntfs permissions work...I was an MCT for 8 years. The problem with that is with the consoles. There is no user access control from them. If they find a file that doesn't have the right permissions they show that it's inaccessible. There's no way to provide credentials to allow access, especially from the PS3. Because there's no central account database, like AD, there's no way to deny access to users other than by not allowing them to log in to the share itself, locally. But then you're back to the problem of authentication from the consoles. What I can do, however, is use the firewall to block access from the two desktops, and then use the rating system through the media player to block individual files from appearing on the xbox360. The PS3 can be wide open because it's not accessible by the two users I want to block. I can block streaming to the individual computers with the player as well, but the files are still shared, and they can access them from Explorer. Those firewall settings are what I need help with...not basic information about how sharing works :)
July 29th, 2009 7:07pm

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